Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Please, no Paris Jr.

I originally meant to post about today's field trip to USAToday (If my future place of employment is in a building that nice, I think my life would be utterly complete). But then I saw this, and I had to post it.

On our way back Sarabeth said she’s heard rumors that Britney is pregnant….again. And everyone in the car was like omg wtf why? So in an effort to procrastinate just a minute longer, I went on People’s web site to see if they had anything on it. Instead, I find this quote from Paris Hilton: “I was just telling her [Nicole Richie], ‘I want a baby so that our babies can play together.”

Yes Paris. That, that right there, is why we have offspring.

Further down, this: “I don’t have a boyfriend right now…but I would love to start a family," sometime within the next two years, she mentioned in the video.

Frankly, the only thing Paris Hilton should be starting right now is a space-walking program that would take her off this planet and out of our minds forever.

It's quite sad when Hollywood's latest accessory isn't a couture bag or even a ridiculously small pet, but a living breathing child.

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