Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Just a Message, Short and Sweet

It's funny how the littlest things sometimes make the biggest difference in your day. It was just a quick message from a friend, but it had me walking to class with a smile. It's not that I was even having a bad day, (the day ended up getting worse later on,) but it was definitely a welcome surprise when opening my inbox.

On Sunday, I saw a car with South Carolina tags and I thought of a friend of mine who lives there. She went to my university freshman year, but this school wasn't really a good fit for her, so she transferred to a school closer to home. We became pretty close that year, and I hadn't talked to her in a while, so I left her a message asking how everything was going and to tell her I missed her.

Around noon today, I read her reply, in which she told me how well everything was going. She ended the message with, "I miss you and I love ya always. You were one of the only things that got me through freshman year - and I will always be grateful for you."

Now I know it's a tad sappy, but she's one of those people who you know genuinely cares about you and means things when she says them. Imagine what a better place the world would be if we spent more time telling people how much they mean to us instead of constantly criticizing and accusing them.

This girl is one of the sweetest girls I've ever met and I'm genuinely happy that things are going so well for her. She's found a major and a career path that she's really passionate about, she's planning on graduating early and things are going really well with her boyfriend. It's funny, while I'm always happy for friends when good things happen, I'm usually also a teeny bit jealous at their success. (Oh come on, you know you do it too). But with her, I'm just genuinely happy. It's not that she doesn't have things to be envious of - I'm not having the success she is in the boy department, that's for sure. But there's something about her that makes you think, gosh she just deserves it all.

It's really nice to know that even if you live far away or don't talk to each other too often, there's someone out there who cares for you, and they aren't afraid to show it. We need more people like that in the world.

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