Friday, June 29, 2007

Life after ipod

Of course, right in step with the laws of the universe, my ipod died yesterday, only days before I leave for vacation. It wasn't unexpected, the thing has hardly been able to hold any battery charge these past few months. I plugged it into the computer to update it and...nothing. The computer didn't recognize the device and the device didn't responding to my incessant button-pushing. I tried plugging it into the power adapter charger thing, still nothing. In forecasting this event, I planned on just sending it in to get the battery replaced, since I'd rather just spend $65 and keep this ipod instead of spending $250 to get a new ipod. But I learned yesterday that the Apple folks don't actually replace your battery, they just send you a used or refurbished ipod. But my little guy and I have been through so much together. I mean, who was it that kept me company on those long boring metro rides or quick walks to class? I can't just turn my back on it only to let someone else's rejected ipod take its place.

In all seriousness, some people are so attached to their ipods that they are literally lost without the minuscule jukeboxes. They forget that other modes of entertainment actually exist. I mean, whatever happened to reading a book, having a conversation with someone, or God forbid, actually just spending some time alone with your own thoughts. Don't get me wrong,the ipod has been a nice thing to have, you know, to keep your mind somewhat occupied at the gym and whatnot. But in general, I don't spend enough time latched onto those earbuds to warrant buying another one.

Oh well, I'll give it one last revival attempt before I bury it away with all the old cellphones and digital cameras in the gadget graveyard.

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