Sunday, June 17, 2007

Don't hate on my school

Okay, I know I go to the state university that everyone from high school goes to, but hey, this school actually was my first choice. Yeah, it may be good 'ol State U, but I absolutely love it there and wouldn't have picked any other college. It's so frustrating sometimes, seeing old friends and having them constantly rag on your school. Okay, I understand, not everyone loves my school, and hey I can joke around as much as the next guy. But when that's all everyone can talk about - how supposedly horrible my school is - it gets pretty irritating sometimes. Do you see me ragging on your schools? I don't sit there and preach to you about why you should have come to my school instead. I understand, different colleges suit different people. But that doesn't mean it's okay for you to act like my school is a piece of shit. Don't forget - where is everyone going to take summer classes? If it's really that bad, go somewhere else. And trust me, the school isn't as easy to get into as you think it is. And come on, it's not as if you guys are all going to some ivy league private university. You're at state schools too, don't forget it.

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