Sunday, December 23, 2007


ARGH. Why does html coding have to be so frustrating!?!?

I've just spent almost two hours trying to revamp the layout of this blog, and have accomplished nothing besides developing a strong urge to defenestrate this computer (hey, that's the first time I've managed to use that word in a real sentence). I really want to do something like this blog, with the light colored table layered on the dark background, but the blogger coding has all the metatags and whatnot built in and I can't figure out how to do it. Every time I try to insert a table or play around with the coding, Blogger's red warning text rejects my work. All I've managed to do is create the header I have right now, which is some basic thing I made in Paint since I'm just about the only soul in the world who doesn't have Photoshop.

Ironically, I found out earlier today that I pulled off an A in online journalism, despite my disastrous midterm where I forgot half the coding. Once again, I'm great at concepts, not so much at execution.

*sigh* Time for bed.

The worst part is, I know I'm not going to be able to let this go. As frustrating as it is, in a day or two I'll be back at the coding again, trapped in this vicious cycle of trial-and-error.

Okay seriously. Bed. Now.

Good night.

1 comment:

Unbalanced Reaction said...

I learned that word thanks to facebook.

I'm almost a sad is that? ;)

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