Saturday, December 22, 2007

Christmas Cheer: Better late than never

Earlier this week Mom and I were talking about how it doesn't feel like Christmas is right around the corner. Ever since I started college, it seems like the holidays just zoom right by. Before, I'd constantly drive by the decorated houses, walk by the Christmas displays at the grocery store and pass the frantic holiday shoppers at the mall. And since the television is always on at home and the radio in the car, the holiday specials, music and commercials were impossible to miss.

But in college, many a-day can go by without me ever setting foot off campus, meaning I miss all the signs that say it's Christmastime. True, some apartments put lights in the windows, but for the most part, everything looks the same. There's no time to go shopping or even venture beyond the campus bubble, since come December everyone has final projects, papers and exams to prepare for.

Also, it's just not that cold outside. It's hard to get into the holiday spirit without first wrapping myself in a scarf and gloves and clutching a hot cocoa in one hand and a shopping bag in the other :)

But yesterday, I think the Christmas bug finally bit me. I stopped by my old internship office to drop off my Christmas card and say bye to everyone before I head to Spain. I didn't realize that yesterday was the last work day before Christmas, hence only two of the five people were there when I showed up. Despite that, I still spent a nice hour or so chatting with them about school and next year. Their office was so festive, with Christmas cards taped to all the doors and mini Christmas trees adorning the desks.

Then I went out to lunch with some of the guys from school. There wasn't necessarily anything Christmas-y about it, but it was nice to see them one last time before I leave. After lunch I headed to the mall to start my Christmas shopping (Hey, I'm a college student; procrastination is in my blood). Despite the longish lines and the fact that every store I went to ran out of gift boxes, I still found myself humming happily along to the Christmas music playing on their stereos. (Though that was also probably because I actually found what I was looking for relatively quickly).

Later that evening, I was flipping channels only to find my favorite of all the Christmas specials, "A Year Without A Santa Claus" was on. You know, the one with the heat miser and the snow miser - oh how I love those rascals. It was great; I even got to sing along to all the songs since no one was home.

And I have a feeling the Christmas cheer isn't going to stop there. For years now, Mom and I have wanted to see New York City during the holidays, and this year it's actually happening. Right after Christmas we're heading up to see the Rockettes in their Christmas Spectacular, admire the gigantic tree and ice rink in Rockefeller Center and stroll past the elaborate window displays. And for me, it doesn't even end there, because I'll be in Spain for the Epiphany, which I learned yesterday is an even bigger deal than Christmas. So even if it got a little lost along the way, looks like the spirit of the season has finally made it to my doorstep.

Happy Holidays everyone!

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