Monday, October 8, 2007

Writing Overload

I feel like I don't know how to write anymore. That's what I get for taking classes where my only assignments are writing ones. I write articles in journalism, write papers in English and the only exams in my government class come in the form of take-home essays. It's not the writing itself that is bothering me (Trust me, I'd much rather be typing away at a five page paper than sweating it out in a lecture hall answering multiple choice questions.) The thing that is driving me crazy is that I'm using totally different styles of writing. And the journalistic style that has almost become my default it completely not what I need to use when writing in-depth essay responses. I've started cringing when my paragraphs run longer than two sentences and I am unable to use passive voice anymore (Jour Prof would be so proud to hear that.) My sentences have all become short, declarative and to the point. Not a bad place to be except now my papers are dryer than a desert lake. Karen wrote the same thing on her xanga a few months ago, that she felt like journalism was sucking all the style out of her. It's not that I can't write creatively anymore (obviously, or this blog would be dead,) it's that when I go to write things for class, I get all confused.

And to make things worse, I'm getting a double dose of writing concisely. As expected, I get it in journalism every day, but my English professor is also trying to get us to stop using 10 words when we can use two. All of this is a good thing, but now it means I can't bring myself to b.s. my way through papers like we college students are famous for doing. I remember writing what I thought were long-winded, convoluted 40-word sentences that when I really read them, said absolutely nothing. But somehow, my professors didn't see it that way and I'd end up getting an A. But now, more for personal benefit instead of teacher requirements, I find myself deleting word after word in my papers. Even worse, I feel like I'm losing my vocabulary. I'm working on this take-home essay for my government class, and I feel like I'm using the same three words to describe my topic. I keep thinking of definitions of the words I need, but not the actual words themselves.

I guess this means that thing called learning has finally taken hold in my brain, for better or worse.

On a totally unrelated note - last night, while I was watching the Yankees game, I was also ironing clothes, and this is a reminder to all - beware of multitasking, especially when it involves hot appliances. I had just finished ironing a shirt and was reaching my arm across the ironing board to fold it while my eyes were glued to the screen, and OUCH. My arm grazed the rim of the hot iron and I now have an ugly two inch brown burn across my right arm. I'm not really sure if it's ever going to go away. But hey, I'll always remember this baseball game now. (See, I always look on the bright side of things.)

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