Sunday, April 12, 2009

Am I reserved?

In the past couple months, multiple people have used the word "reserved" to describe me. To me, "reserved" synonymous with "shy," something I most certainly am not.

In effort to reconcile this apparent disconnect, I looked up the word's definition. "avoiding familiarity or intimacy with others: a quiet, reserved man."

Unsatisfied, I decided to go to the people who know me better than most.

"Would you say I'm a reserved person?" I went into the kitchen and asked my parents.

"No," my dad said with a smirk and no hesitation.

"I didn't think so either." I said. I told them how it's bothered me to hear people say that. But then Papa said something about how at large gatherings, he's fine just talking to one or two people.

In my case, I relish meeting new people but hate being the one to initiate contact. Once someone else comes and says "Hi" to me, I'm an open book. I'm not comfortable making the first move, though that doesn't mean I won't.

Hmm, maybe that's what people meant by reserved. Time to give the dictionary another try. "restrained in words and actions."

Ah ha. So reserved can also be synonymous with "composed" or even "controlled." Now that I can deal with.

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