Thursday, January 22, 2009

An Asking of My Own

Since October, I've been following The Daily Asker, a blog documenting one woman's quest to, as the name suggests, ask for something every day for a year.

Last week I made an asking of my own. I'm not meek by character, but I'm surprisingly deferential to those with authority. I use the term authority loosely, because in this case, all it took to confer "authority" was a glass ticket window.

About two weeks ago, my friend Christin and I decided to get dinner and a movie. The parking lot was half-full, but the ticket area was empty save the two bored-looking high school girls manning the booth.

Christin walked up to the blonde on the left, I took the brunette on the right.

"One for the 6:45 showing of Benjamin Button," I said, handing her my credit card. As she slid me the receipt, Christin, who was still getting out her wallet, asked if there was a student discount. There was, $2 off.

"Oh, can I get the student discount too?" I asked, pulling out my college ID.

"Sorry, the transaction's already gone through. You have to ask for a discount first," she said monotonously.

Normally, I would have believed her and simply accepted the higher price to avoid causing a scene or looking like a cheapskate. After all, what do I know about credit card machines. But this time I decided to fight for my $2.

"Well, I didn't know there was a discount. Can't you just cancel the transaction and do it again?"

No, that would take the manager's approval, she said.

"Couldn't you just give me $2 cash? I mean, I am a student,"

No, then their cash drawer would be short.

I kept pressing, firmly but politely. They mentioned the manager again.

"OK, then may I speak to the manager?"

The two girls exchanged a look.

"You really want me to call the manager over $2?" the blonde asked incredulously.

"Yeah, I'd appreciate it if you could," I said.

She sighed and got the guy, who couldn't have been more than a year or two older than me.

"Oh yeah, we can do that for you," he said nonchalantly after I explained him what had happened.

I thanked him and the other two profusely and Christin and I went on to watch God's greatest creation (Brad Pitt, *sigh*) reverse age for the next two hours.

Gained: $2, the self-assurance not to believe everything I hear, and the self-confidence not to care what two bored high-schoolers who I will never see again thought of me.

1 comment:

Roxana said...

WOOHOO!! Congrats!

Exactly... Who cares what they think. You were polite but persistent. You knew what you deserved. You had the courage to call the manager on them. Day-yam!!

And you got your due.

I look forward to reading about your next askings, and brushes with (or against?) authority. =)

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