Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Sin #4: Sloth

Ahh, so that’s what slumber feels like. I had forgotten what it was like to sleep for more than five hours at a time. Looking back, I really don’t know how I survived last semester; my internship was 10 hours short of a full-time job and I still had a full course load and an ongoing research project to attend to. I know what you’re thinking, Big deal young woman, you just wait til you enter the real world. Then you’ll learn the meaning of busy. But hey, you try going from starting class at 1 pm one semester to being at work at 8 am the next. Yes, I know, my life is so difficult.

Naturally, since break started, I’ve been catching up on my zzs, blissfully dreaming away the nights (and the mornings, for that matter.) But is there such a thing as too much sleep? (College-age males need not answer.) Yesterday was the only day I woke up at a decent time (10 am); all other days it’s been the afternoon sun greeting my tired eyes. This whole waking up late thing is really starting to irritate me. My days feel so short, and come midnight, when I tell myself I should try to go to bed, I cannot, for the life of me, fall asleep. I lie there for at least an hour, flipping and flopping every which way, trying to coax my overactive mind to settle down and focus on winning the impending war with the alarm. But I just can’t help it: The fluffy pillows, the soft blankets, the oh-so-comfy bed. Oh boy, I only woke up two hours ago, but I feel a nap coming on…

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