Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Cafe con Leche Replacement

I finally made some progress today in my quest to find the perfect stateside version of the morning cafe con leche from my Madrid university cafeteria.

I've been deconstructing Starbucks' Web site to figure out exactly what they call a shot of espresso, four ounces of hot milk and one packet of sugar. I narrowed it down to either a caffe latte, cappuccino or espresso macchiato. I'm not getting my hopes up too high, considering the Spanish don't fuss with foam in coffee and always take more than a dollop of milk, but I'm willing to give it a try.

Two hours of sleep last night made for a very long day of meetings and classes. After a short nap I had an urge to venture down to Starbucks for a caffeine jolt and a change of scenery. Sumegha accompanied me and I decided my first attempt would be the cappuccino.

Before we get into the drink, since when has Starbucks had a short (8 oz.) size? I first saw it for on the Web site and it's exactly what I've been looking for. The heaviness of a tall anything but house coffee from Starbucks is enough to replace one, potentially two meals. But with a short I might actually be able to indulge without sacrificing my appetite.

Once I got beyond the unnecessary layer of foam under the cappuccino lid, the rich flavor of milky espresso filled my mouth and I accepted that Europe has forever spoiled any chance I have of becoming an American coffee addict. I hadn't even put the sugar in and the drink still blew regular coffee out of the water. The espresso and milk didn't blend exactly the way my Spanish cup did, but I think that perfect ratio will forever elude me. I even warmed up to the foam after slurping the last dregs of it from my diminutive yet stimulating cup of cappuccino.

Verdict: Not quite there, but getting closer.

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